7034. Portals


Some planets of the galaxy, where Peter Pyatochkin recently moved, are connected with portals. If planets A and B are connected, it means that each planet has a special device – portal – for teleportation between them. The creature that enters the portal on the planet A, instantly appears on the planet B and vice versa.

The same portal can not be used to teleport to different planets. If some pair of planets are not connected yet, they can be united, but a new portal must be built on each planet. Building portals requires considerable outlay and can cost differently on different planets.

We say that there is a teleport way between two planets, if you can get from one planet to another, teleporting one or more times (using intermediate planets). Unfortunately, there is no teleportation way between any two planets.

You are given the communication scheme among the planets and the cost of the portal on each planet. Determine the lowest amount of money you need to spend to ensure the existence of a teleportation path between each pair of planets in the galaxy.


Input. The first line contains two integers: the number of planets in the galaxy n (n ≤ 1000) and the number of planets pairs m, directly connected with portals.

Second line contains n positive integers p1, p2, …, pn – the cost to build a new portal, respectively on the first, on the second, ...., on the n-th planet. None of the costs exceed 106.

Each of the next m lines contains two positive integers ai and bi (1 ≤ ai < bin, 1 ≤ im) that describe the pair of connected planets. Each pair is given in input only one time.


Output. Print the smallest amount of money that should be spent on the portals construction on some planets so that there would be the teleportation path between each pair of planets in the galaxy.


Sample input 1

Sample output 1

4 2

7 4 7 3

1 3

2 4




Sample input 2

Sample output 2

8 5

3 7 5 7 8 12 6 9

4 5

5 6

8 7

1 2

3 1





graphsdepth first search


Algorithm analysis

The input graph can be disconnected. Find the connected components in it. Well build new portals so that they connect vertices from different connected components. Moreover, if we initially have k components, then it is enough to build k – 1 new connections to make the graph connected.

Consider two different connected components. To create a transition between them, you need to select a vertex in each of them and build the portals. Since it is more profitable to build a portal in the cheapest vertex, then those should be the cheapest vertices in each of the connected components. On the other hand, since we need to connect k different components, the cheapest way is to connect all the components to the connected component with the cheapest vertex.

Thus, it is necessary for each connected component to find the cheapest vertex for building a portal. Then, among these vertices, find the one that has the lowest cost – portals leading to all other connected components will be built in it.



In the first test, the graph contains two connected components. Next to each vertex, write down the cost of building a portal in it.

Connect the planets 1 and 4 with portals. The cost of connection is 7 + 3 = 10.


Consider the second test case.

There are three connected components in total, so it is enough to build two new edges, or 4 portals (2 for each edge). The vertex with number 1 has the lowest cost, therefore, these two edges will go out from it. And the edges will go to the vertices of minimum cost in each of other connected components.


The cost of connection the planets is (3 + 7) + (3 + 6) = 19.


Algorithm realization

Declare the arrays. Store the graph in the adjacency list g. The cost of building a portal at vertex v is cost[v]. In mn[i] well store the minimum cost of building a portal among the vertices of the i-th connected component.


#define MAX 1002

int cost[MAX], used[MAX], mn[MAX];

vector<vector<int> > g;


Depth first search from the vertex v that belong to cnt-th connected component. Visit all the vertices of the connected component and find the lowest cost of building a portal in mn[cnt].


void dfs(int v)


  used[v] = 1;

  mn[cnt] = min(mn[cnt], cost[v]);

  for(int i = 0; i < g[v].size(); i++)


    int to = g[v][i];

    if (!used[to]) dfs(to);




The main part of the program. Read the input data. Build a graph.


scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);



for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) 



for(i = 1; i <= m; i++) 


  scanf("%d %d",&u,&v);





For each connected component cnt run the depth first search. Find the vertex with the lowest cost to build a portal, and store the found cost in mn[cnt].


for(i = 0; i < MAX; i++) mn[i] = MAXVALUE;


for(cnt = 0, i = 1; i <= n; i++) 

  if (!used[i]) dfs(i), cnt++;


In total, graph contains cnt connected components. In the variable temp, we look for the vertex with the lowest portal construction cost – the minimum among all values mn[0],…, mn [cnt – 1]. Find the sum of these minimums in the variable res.


int temp = MAXVALUE;

for(res = i = 0; i < cnt; i++)


  if (mn[i] < temp) temp = mn[i];

  res += mn[i];



For example, let the minimum temp be achieved in the j-th connected component (temp = mn[j]). Then the total sum res to build the portals for all new transitions will be

(mn[j] + mn[0]) +  … +  (mn[j] + mn[j – 1]) + (mn[j] + mn[j + 1]) + …

+ (mn[j] + mn[cnt – 1]) =

= mn[j] * (cnt – 1) + mn[0] + … + mn[j – 1] + mn[j + 1] + … + mn[cnt – 1] =

= temp * (cnt – 2) + mn[0] + … + mn[cnt – 1]


res += temp * (cnt - 2);


Print the answer.

